Limo & Car Service
Serving Cities And Towns Across Ontario 24/7
Frequently Asked Questions?
Coming up next is a rundown of inquiries and answers to the most generally posed inquiries with respect to limousine rentals. Tapping on the inquiry connection will uncover the response to each address. On the off chance that your inquiry doesn't show up underneath, at that point please round out our overall contact structure with your inquiry and somebody in our office will answer with an answer as fast as could reasonably be expected.
Limousine Service FAQ
Can I likely book a limousine and get back to affirm later?
We won't hold any booking except if we get a store. All stores are non refundable. We can make exemptions to this arrangement exclusively at our watchfulness.
For what reason are weddings valued including some built-in costs?
Weddings are the principle explanation behind limousine organizations having the bigger more costly vehicles. These vehicles cost in overabundance of $100,000.00 dollars and are extravagant to keep up and work. Administrators must ensure their expenses are recouped and a sensible overall revenue is kept up so as to remain in business. Hence this kind of administration must be valued at a level that mirrors the expense of offering great assistance and the more costly vehicles.
Would we be able to lease a limousine for under 5 hours for a wedding?
For the most part we won't lease the bigger limousines for not exactly the base 5 hour wedding bundle for Saturday weddings. As most weddings occur on a couple of Saturdays throughout the mid year we can not bear to lease the limousine for not as much as that base.
How would I discover my limousine when I show up at the Airport?
Air terminal techniques are distinctive for every terminal at Pearson Airport and regularly change because of the development of the new terminal. Our office will clarify the technique at the hour of booking and your driver will affirm this with you when you are dropped off at the air terminal.
What amount of gear would you be able to fit in a limousine?
Stretch limousines give no more trunk space than non extended limousines. We can normally fit 4 enormous bags and 3 or four portable pieces. On the off chance that you believe you will surpass this or on the off chance that you have enormous things, for example, golf clubs or skis please ensure you make our office mindful of this when reserving your spot. So as to forestall harm to the limousine we don't permit baggage inside the traveler compartment of the limousine.
Do you charge for additional stops en route?
Indeed. Additional stops, regardless of whether on course are chargeable. Our office can cite you a rate dependent on the subtleties of your booking
Under what conditions will Pearson Airport Transportation/ Limousine drop a booking?
Pearson Airport Transportation /Limousine maintains whatever authority is needed to drop any booking under the accompanying conditions.
Customers jeopardize themselves or the driver.
Unreasonably improper conduct.
Verbal or actual maltreatment of the escort.
Non Payment.
Smoking inside the Limousine.
Harms brought about by customers to any property of Pearson Airport TransPortation/ Limousine Service.
Customers can not be situated inside ½ hour of pre summoned pickup.
In the event that booking is dropped for any of the reasons recorded above, full installment is as yet required.
How is the Limousine Rate decided?
The rate charged for Limousine administration depends on a few variables. The separation voyaged, time required, and season of reservation are totally mulled over. The most practical reservation is known as a "split" run. A split run is essentially a get up at one location, an outing to your objective and afterward a return at a pre summoned time. This permits us to maybe book extra work for the limousine while you are not utilizing it. You are not paying for the limousine to sit and sit tight for you. We can likewise give a firm value citation to part reservations.
Another approach to lease a Limousine is constantly. This is an extensively more costly approach to lease as you are paying to save the vehicle available to you for the whole night. We charge a base level rate in addition to an extra hourly charge. A few people find hourly a superior approach if their conditions expect them to go to a few distinct areas at night.
For what reason is there such a value distinction between limousine organizations?
On the off chance that you are calling a few unique organizations for value citations you will without a doubt get a wide scope of costs. Normally you will locate that few organizations will be about a similar cost with a couple of being altogether lower and a couple being higher. All expert respectable organizations have comparative costs, for example, legitimate protection, licenses and support costs. Subsequently so as to run a quality assistance and give a living to themselves and their workers these organizations will wind up with comparative evaluating. The best way to reduce expenses and still make a sensible benefit is to cut something. This consistently means less fortunate help levels. This can liken to sub-par limousines, inadequately prepared drivers, unlicensed or uninsured administrators, or low maintenance administrators who maintain their business at their own comfort.
A few organizations will give a lower cost to book a limousine ahead of time and afterward quote similar reservation to different customers at a lot greater expense. In the event that somebody is sufficiently silly to book at the swelled rate they will call and drop the other customer for the better paying run.
Under what conditions are there extra charges?
A booking won't be charged out at more than the cited rate aside from under the accompanying circumstances.
In the event that extra get or drop off addresses are added.
In the event that customer isn't prepared at the summoned occasions causing the limousine extra holding up time.
In the event that harm is done to the limousine or any property of PearsonAirport Transportation/ INC. Limousine because of mishap or abuse by the customer or anybody in the customers party. This incorporates broken glasses, cigarette consumes, harm to bar or any inside surface of the limousine.
Extra time is mentioned far in excess of the first reservation.
Are Taxes charged on limousine transportation?
Truly. All costs are dependent upon HST.
How are tips dealt with?
A tip for the driver is needed for all reservations. 15% of the absolute bill is suggested. Whenever mentioned the tip can be added to the receipt. In the improbable function you feel that the driver didn't give you great assistance you may contact our office and we would be glad to discount you any tips paid.
How are installments made?
We acknowledge Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, or Certified Check. Installments by non confirmed check can be summoned multi week before reservation date. For prime reservation dates a non refundable store might be needed to hold your booking. Installments must be made toward the start of your booking.
Do I have to give a Visa?
Truly. Regardless of whether you are paying with money we require a Mastercard engrave on the off chance that extra charges apply. Pearson Airport Transportation INC/ Limousine won't get through any inappropriate charges on your Visa. Whenever mentioned the escort will restore the slip to you toward the finish of your booking whenever it has been resolved no extra charges were brought about.
How would I realize the limousine will return for me toward the finish of the night?
Pearson Airport Transportation INC/ Limousine is a trustworthy business. We honor all reservations as agreements. It isn't to our greatest advantage to break contracts with our customers without cause.
How old do you need to be to lease a limousine?
We require all reservations be made by somebody 18 or more established. On the off chance that the vehicle will be utilized by somebody younger than 18 we require a marked Visa slip and consented to arrangement of duty approving (PAT) INC to consider the card holder liable for harms or overage charges. On the off chance that all travelers are younger than 18 we require somebody beyond 21 a years old in the limousine as a watchman in some cases.
Is it accurate to say that you are permitted to savor liquor a limousine?
On the off chance that you ready and waiting board and open it, you do as such at your own danger and are liable to any fines.
Segment 32(1) of Ontario's Liquor License Act (LLA) states that nobody is allowed to drive or have control of an engine vehicle while there is opened and promptly accessible alcohol in the vehicle. The LLA falls under the domain of the Ministry of the Attorney General, and inquiries concerning the implementation of this segment are alluded to the police.
So shouldn't something be said about limousines with a segment between the driver and travelers?
"In fact, it actually stays an engine vehicle, regardless of how you cut it. So when you take a gander at the assignment under 32(1) of the Liquor License Act, it assigns a vehicle, moving or not, and says no.
Are glasses and Ice given in the limousine?
For weddings and night out help Limousine will consequently gracefully ice and clean china for customers use. For all different administrations we flexibly ice and dishes at the customer's solicitation.
Would we be able to stand up through the sun rooftop in the limousine?
By no means are customers permitted to stand up through the sunroof of the limousine once the vehicle is in progress. On the off chance that customers might want to snap a photo remaining through the sunroof we will permit this just before the excursion starts. Our customer's wellbeing is our main concern. Should the vehicle be struck from behind or get engaged with some other kind of mishap while somebody is remaining through the sunroof genuine injury is nearly ensured.
Would we be able to smoke in your limousines?
By no means do we permit smoking in our limousines. Nearby ordinances preclude smoking in limousines and so as to give a clean new inside to every one of our customers we carefully restrict smoking. We maintain whatever authority is needed to drop any booking if customers smoke inside our limousines.